News from Vanderbilt University Medical Center

A recent visitation to Vanderbilt Cancer Center found the Susan Morrow Legacy Foundation engaging in an overview of what Vanderbilt has been up to the last year.

News from The Mayo Clinic

Advances towards early detection with the aid of philanthropy of The Susan Morrow Legacy Foundation. The Mayo clinic is using high grade technologies and equipment to attack high grade serious ovarian cancers.

George Bernard Shaw

Some men see things as they are, and say why. I dream of things that never were, and say why not.

- George Bernard Shaw

Henri Poincare

It is through Science that we prove, but through intuition that we discover.

- Henri Poincare

Our Mission

Susan Morrow Legacy Foundation

With a Bold vision to make an impact in society.

100% of your donations go to the cause you want to support.

The SMLF was established in 2017 to uphold the Morrow family’s core values. It aims to provide assistance to sustainable organizations that effectively work toward Research and Early Detection of Ovarian Cancer, supporting individuals with developmental disabilities, including youth and adults with IDD (Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities). Additionally, the foundation extends its support to causes such as assisting combat veterans, promoting animal welfare, advancing early childhood education, fostering alternative education in trades and technical skills, and nurturing the arts.

The Morrow family collaborates to identify, connect with, and offer support and shared best practices to these organizations, aligning their efforts with their shared values and philanthropic goals. By working together, we strive to make a positive impact in these various areas and contribute to the betterment of society.

A Note from the Board members: With overwhelming gratitude we thank all our donors and participants in helping us to support our philanthropic interests and goals. The foundation continues to support projects and programs that have a potential to make a difference in bettering the quality of others’ lives.

We are deeply grateful for the success of the recent auction of The Susan Morrow Legacy Foundation Collection. We are actively carrying out our endeavors to aide in the needs of more research for ovarian cancer.

Our Impact

Ovarian Cancer Early Detection Focus of Study

Ovarian Cancer Early Detection Focus of Study

Researchers at Vanderbilt University Medical Center are investigating whether sonograms of fallopian tubes can be effective for the early detection of ovarian cancer, and their ongoing study shows promise. Ovarian cancer is the most lethal form of gynecologic cancer...

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