Supporting PAWS To Help Injured Animals

Dear Morrow Legacy Foundation, Because of you, animals inadvertently injured by humans have been saved. Their journey to recovery is a story of hope and healing for our shared ecological community. This injured beaver was unable to walk and brought to PAWS by a concerned citizen. Upon examination, he had a fractured rib and hind leg from a suspected vehicle strike. Susan Morrow Legacy Foundation PAWS11 Thanks to your support, this beaver rebounded after successful medical treatment and rehabilitation. After 4 weeks, he was released back to his home territory where he belongs. Beavers are known as nature’s best ecosystem engineers, essential for maintaining the delicate balance of our environment. They enhance biodiversity and support countless other native animal and plant species. As encroachment and the degradation of wild habitat is on the rise, so is the suffering of wildlife. Your compassion is making a positive impact by saving lives at PAWS. On behalf of the animals we serve, I extend my heartfelt thanks to you. Your commitment reaffirms our shared belief in the importance of safeguarding our local wildlife and giving them a chance to thrive. You are creating a brighter future for our entire community. Thank you! With gratitude, Heidi Wills Yamada CEO Susan Morrow Legacy Foundation PAWS111